Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Arc of Justice

After preventing another Great Depression, creating millions of domestic jobs, overhauling the nation’s healthcare system, requiring greater financial responsibility of Wall Street, improving foreign relations, saving the U.S. auto industry, increasing transparency in the government, and ending the Iraq War, it seems our president is keen on keeping his campaign promises.

Obama has long advocated for repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” the discriminatory policy prohibiting gay people from openly serving in our nation’s military. In an effort to uphold the American values of freedom and equality, the Senate voted yesterday to repeal the law.

Not only does ending DADT make us a better nation, but according to Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “no longer will able men and women who want to serve and sacrifice for their country have to sacrifice their integrity to do so. We will be a better military as a result."

Although a few Republicans joined the Senate Democrats, this measure was passed largely on partisan lines. But as Democrat Senator Ron Wyden put it, “I don't care who you love. If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn't have to hide who you are."

It was the right thing to do, and proves that Obama and the Democrats are serious about getting our nation back on the right track.

“Dr. King once said that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. It bends towards justice, but here is the thing: it does not bend on its own. It bends because each of us in our own ways put our hand on that arc and we bend it in the direction of justice...." (Senator Obama, 2008).

With the DREAM act failing to overcome a Republican filibuster, I am curious to see which way the GOP is bending the arc of justice.


  1. Its time to integrate.With such discriminatory policies in the threshold of American politics,we can never progress as a society.I am glad Obama has done this!

  2. This is a major victory for civil rights and an example of the Obama administration leading America in the right direction. With over 70% of the military in support of repeal and 8 (eight!!) Republican Senators on board, this was a no-brainer. Now if only the Republicans in the Senate will get on board with the START treaty and DREAM...

  3. Do you acknowledge there could be some negatives to this bill being passed?

  4. To the previous Anonymous post, thanks for commenting. I appreciate your concern.

    I can only ask this question: do you believe that there could be some negatives to discriminating a group of people based on their "differences"? How does their sexual orientation take away from the fact that these are trained military professionals, just like everyone else?

    I’m sure this was the same question people asked when African Americans were given equal rights, or when women were granted the right to vote.

    Most Republicans, like Sen.McCaine, assume that repealing DADT will “be too disruptive to the military while the nation is engaged in two wars.” However, what is more disruptive than telling those that risk their lives to protect our liberties that we do not accept you because you are different? If they are willing to die for us, this is the very least we can do for them.

    I understand that change is always difficult, but when it helps create a more unified nation and uphold the values of freedom and equality for all, I do not understand the problem.


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